Friday, March 27, 2009

Repair For HP DV9000 laptop hinges(Continuing)

Repair for the broken HP DV9000 laptop hinges
step 5
Now you must free the tired hinge. Depending on how far trashed yourtop cover mounting points are. Try to unscrew the 4 little phillips headscrews from the hinge (only 3 if you took out the one that was coveredby the rubber screw cover already) If the screws turn and do not comeloose the mounting points on the LCD cover have cracked so just leavethem in for now.
step 6
Push the screen all the way open holding it at the right and left hinges
not to cause any further trauma. If your hinge is to far gone and you
cant move it, you will have to force the hinge with pliers when you remove
it during the next step.

step 7

Now try rotating the left hinge asssembly away from the LCD screentowards the closed position. You may need to use pliers on the hinge torotate it because the torque required is significant and is partially thereason your laptop hinge is broken to begin with. Now that it is in thealmost closed position move the pliers to the outside and work the hingeout from the connection point on the base of the unit. It may be tightso keep at it until you pull it free but trying to not break the arm offthe hinge. Remove off the screws and brass inset fasteners and putinto parts container.

step 8

Now you need to put a bend on the angle bracket. Use a bench viseif you have one or clamp a vise grip to the egde of the bracket, withanother large pliers start the bend, With a hammer bang the bend flat. This is a critical step! The bend must take shape with the hinge! Dontover bend or you will weaken the strength. Also make sure you bendthe hinge in the right direction!

step 9

As you can see my edge was completely separated on the hinge arm. I didnt do this but I recommend that you superglue the join on the armso it will not move and in its original position so when you go to put itback together with the LCD screen it sits correctly in the chassis.Overlay the hinge with your new support bracket. Make marks withblack permanent marker where you need to grind out so it overlaysthe hinge correctly that the bracket sits on top of the hinge. You needto cut the length on the front-face part of the bracket so you dontcover the 3rd hole on the hinge. (I cut it off at the step point on thehinge.) Use either the bench vise or the vise grip to hold bracket andgrid it. I cant express enough how important that you shape and grindthe bracket exactly to the shape of the original hinge. I didnt grindthe arm until I was into the next step.

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